Baby face don't grow so fast
Make a special wish that will always last
Rub this magic lantern
He will make your dreams come true for you
Ride the rainbow to the other side
Catch a falling star and then take a ride
To the river that sings and the clover that
Brings good luck to you, it's all true
Pink elephants and lemonade, dear Jessie
Hear the laughter running through the love parade
Candy kisses and a sunny day, dear Jessie
See the roses raining on the love parade
If the land of make believe
Is inside your heart it will never leave
There's a golden gate where the fairies all wait
And dancing moons, for you
Close your eyes and you'll be there
Where the mermaids sing as they comb their hair
Like a fountain of gold you can never grow old
Where dreams are made, your love parade
Make a special wish that will always last
Rub this magic lantern
He will make your dreams come true for you
Ride the rainbow to the other side
Catch a falling star and then take a ride
To the river that sings and the clover that
Brings good luck to you, it's all true
Pink elephants and lemonade, dear Jessie
Hear the laughter running through the love parade
Candy kisses and a sunny day, dear Jessie
See the roses raining on the love parade
If the land of make believe
Is inside your heart it will never leave
There's a golden gate where the fairies all wait
And dancing moons, for you
Close your eyes and you'll be there
Where the mermaids sing as they comb their hair
Like a fountain of gold you can never grow old
Where dreams are made, your love parade
Dear Jessie lyrics - Madonna
Acordámos na manhã submersa em neblina.
Olhámos o céu, carregado que estava de nuvens cinzento triste. Tememos o pior.
Mas Sábado era dia de festa, de fé e de esperança e as fadas e duendes aguardavam a nossa chegada, ansiosos por emprestar a sua magia à festa da pequena S., acabada de receber o seu primeiro sacramento.
Com alegria - e algum nervoso sempre que o vento fustigava as árvores, logo atenuado pelo surgimento de raios de sol mais ou menos tímidos -, criámos um ambiente que pretendemos fosse mágico para acolher esta bebé, os seus Pais e Mano, e todos os seus convidados.
A Cristina, do Açúcar às Bolinhas, também nos ajudou, modelando, com as suas mãos talentosas e em pasta de açúcar, passarinhos, cogumelos e todos os lindos elementos que decoraram o bolo de baptizado.
Esta foi a floresta encantada que guardámos por detrás do arco-íris para celebrar este dia especial...
Estas e outras imagens da festa encontram-se aqui
Muito obrigado à Fio de Luz Fotografia pelo fantástico registo!